Awake 2 Oneness Radio

THE WORLD IS MY COUNTRY with Arthur Kanegis



Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Arthur Kanegis, producer of the documentary film THE WORLD IS MY COUNTRY, on Friday July 21, 2017 at 7:00 PM EDT.  This show was pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show. Writer/Producer Arthur Kanegis is President and Founder of Future WAVE, a non-profit organization that aims to shift our culture of violence to a culture of peace. He produced the Paul Newman movie War Without Winners, filmed by Haskell Wexler. He also researched the impact of nuclear war.for the ABC TV special "The Day After" which Ronald Reagan credits with convincing him that nuclear war was unwinnable. In 2001 he acquired exclusive rights to the life story of Garry Davis' story. To learn more about Arthur and the film The World Is My Country visit: