Awake 2 Oneness Radio

The Council with Tammy Dodd



Awake 2 Oneness Radio with medium and channel Tammy Dodd on Friday, July 28, 2017 a 7:00 PM EDT. During the show she channels a beautiful and simple message of Oneness from The Council. This show was pre-recorded. In the early 90's Tammy taught herself to meditate and maintained that nightly practice for over 17 years. In 1997 she began conducting intuitive and mediumship readings for clients. and then began channeling the angelic soul group The Council in 2005. Tammy is active with participating in the Body Soul & Spirit Expo in Vancouver. and teaching channeling and other spiritual developmental workshops. As well as offering sessions and workshops online to an expanded clientele throughout the USA and Europe. To learn more about Tammy and The Council visit her website: