Awake 2 Oneness Radio

Accessing Personal Spirit Guides with Saryon Michael White



Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Saryon Michael White on Friday, December 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM EST. For more than 20 years Saryon has been exploring out-of-body and keeping his finger on the pulse of humanity’s awakening from an angel’s eye view.  When he first began writing publicly in 2002 it was to deliver a series of messages from the Angels of Peace who inspired him to broadcast globally a single message to the world: "CHOOSE PEACE NOW!" In 2005 a council of Ascended Masters appeared in his meditation and asked him to start offering readings to people and they immediately began connecting him with people that felt drawn to receive the wisdom and energy that they have continually placed in his heart.  He is honored to serve in this way and to help bring people closer to their guides and to realize more of their potential. After years of careful training and devotion to spiritual practice, the Masters commissioned a new and growing body of work through him as part of their SCHOOL OF MANIFESTATION on the inner p