Social Media Edge Radio

The Notorius Rob Hahn and some highly engaging controversy you can step in



Violence Against Women? Bullying? Threats? On a real estate event bus? Rob Hahn is a well known and respected management consultant to the real estate industry. He is also known for plain talk and not pulling punches when a direct hit can save people from myths, misconceptions, or themselves.  Rob recently published a blog post titled The Biggest Pile of $#!7 I’ve Stepped In: A Followup and it started a little conversation firestorm that soon became hot! He'll be joining us today to continue the conversation and we hope you'll pipe up too. We've even extended today's scheduled episode time to accomodate. Part of this ongoing saga Ken would like to focus on are found in these two paragraphs: "Second, since I posted, Lab Coat Agents has gone on a censorship spree. Dozens, if not hundreds, and possibly more, people have been kicked out of the Facebook Group for raising the issue. Entire threads have been deleted. One person reported that comments are being deleted as fast as they’re posted. They have every