Social Media Edge Radio

Converting Leads Once You Have Them Show# 417 Season 9 Episode 1



Welcome to the beginning of our NINTH year. Yes, 9. We started in 2008 and we're still here. Today we start out with the Tool of the Week. Mike and Ken will each share their pick of a tool this week. It may be a tool they use, one they recommend, or just one for fun. Get in the CHAT ROOM and share yours! Have you subscribed to the Smokin' Hot Social Media News? DO it! Subscribe here. No Spam Ever. Our topic today is your leads. We talk regularly about how to get leads and not so regularly about what to do with them once you have them. Whether they are self-generated leads, referals, or purchased leads - they are all valuable. How do you keep them interested long enough to close the deal with them? It's a topic for the ages and we're kicking of season 9 with just this topic.