Social Media Edge Radio

Cracking the Combination to Key Words, S9E4



We know - the guru told you back in 2012 that SEO was dead, dead, dead. They probably also charged anywhere from $29.95 to $3000 for that info. Chances are some of them even told you blogging was dead, dead, dead. Well, we're here to tell you that they are both more alive than ever. Sure, the SEO landscape has changed many times. There's one thing that remains: Google (et al) want to deliver the very best search results they can for their customers. Their customers are anyone who types a search phrase in that search bar or who visits a page containing an AdWords campaign. You? Oh, as the publisher - your'e the product. Today we're going to discuss something that is more maligned and falsified than just about any other topic relevent to online marketing and especially content marketing. Join Ken and Mike as we discuss how to use combinations of keywords both in content and in purchasing online ads to make the best of your dollar. Learn how to cast a wide net and how to hunt with a spear. Learn the difference