Social Media Edge Radio

Business Intelligence for YOU with Guest Patrick Healy S9E10



Patrick is a friend of Mike and Ken through the social media world. He recently launched a new organization with a different perspective on some basic prinicples. What may be called a revival of business intelligence, Patrick has unleashed Prismana. Today we will hear from Patrick exactly what Prismana is, what it does, how it does it, and why you probably need it. Prismana can effectively eliminate the need for the following: expensive external call tracking servicescomplicated and expensive funnel serviceslanding pages (yes, no need for them anymore)asking the question "how did you find us?" and expecting a clear answer The big benefits of Prismana are that it's a) easy to implement, b) easy to use, c) cost effective, and d) doesn't require you to change your systems or process to use it. You are not shackled to Prismana so if you stop using it nothing changes except you go back to not knowing what's driving your sales. There's no migration. There's no extra systems or expensive add-ons. It just does its t