Social Media Edge Radio

Planning, Launching, and Managing Your Next Web Venture



So, you're going to launch a new website and dominate the market! Possibly. If you really are then I bet there already has been a lot of planning, consulting, and even hiring of professional development teams. Not all ventures are huge, multi-million dollar launches--but even a solopreneuer needs to follow some simple guidelines to help reduce the likelhood of early termination. Everything from message development to method of sharing the message can be critical for an early stage venture. Clarification and simplification of your message (you'd be surprised how many businesses I [Ken] have worked with over the years who cannot tell me in a short sentence what they do). Branding--colors designs--also is very important because it's the instant image of your message. Flow chart of how the process from interest to prospect to customer to referal agent progresses. And much more! Both Mike and Ken have many years of experience working in business development with small to medium organizations. What we've learned