Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Increasing Relationship Transparency



www.PureSoulAlchemy.com This show is a shamanic healing session to assist you to Increase Relationship Transparency.  Everyone wants a healthy and fulfilling relationship, however, most of us don’t quite understand that what this means is that we must be completely willing to be seen - by ourselves and by our partners.   In this session, we will open vital relationship areas which have been in hiding for far too long so that we may open to our own vulnerability and fully connect. We typically repress our raw, unprocessed thoughts, beliefs & emotions.  But what actually happens is that we cut a vital part of ourselves out of the relationship and render our partners, and ourselves, an outsider.  We literally cut them out of a substantial portion of our lives. When we are fully accepting and allowing of our deeper selves, and allowing our deeper selves rightful respect and expression, …we automatically transmit this as a frequency to our loved ones, soul mate or potential soul mate.  Since they love us