Synthesizer Library Podcast

Episode 011 - Roland RS-09



What It Is The Roland RS-09 is a vintage organ/string synthesizer. Combining organ and string sounds together makes it really handy—although you can choose to play only organ or only strings. And the inclusion of analog chorus really helps fatten up the sound. Vibrato (LFO) The vibrato section of the synth is really an LFO permanently set to control the pitch of the outputs from both the organ and string section of the synth. When only playing the organ section, the vibrato adds interest similar to a rotary speaker. (Although not nearly as exciting as the mighty Leslie speaker.) When playing the string section, vibrato re-creates the rapidly changing pitch a string player provides. Organ While you probably won’t buy the RS-09 for its organ sounds, the organ supports the string section by rounding out the overall sound when mixed together. If you’re used to the drawbars of a Hammond organ, the footage sliders will feel instantly comfortable. Organ I and Organ II buttons can be enabled individ