Virginia Historical Society Podcast

Daniel Morgan, Virginian



On May 23, 2019, Albert Louis Zambone delivered the Banner Lecture, "Daniel Morgan, Virginian." By the end of his life, Daniel Morgan had variously been brigadier general of the Continental Army, major general of the Virginia Militia, a winner of the Congressional Gold Medal, a congressman, and architect of the "American Cannae,"" the battle of Cowpens. But the status for which he seems to have worked his entire life, from the moment he walked into the Shenandoah Valley as a homeless boy, was to be a Virginian and a member of the Virginia gentry. In this lecture, Albert Louis Zambone will focus on Morgan�s life of striving to get ahead in colonial and revolutionary Virginia. Dr. Albert Louis Zambone earned his Ph.D. in history from the University of Oxford and has received a number of scholarships and awards in the field of early American history, including a Mellon Fellowship at the Virginia Historical Society. He hosts and produces the popular audience-format podcast, Historically Thinking. Zambone is the