Observations: The Qando Podcast

Observations for 31 May 19



Special Counsel Robert Mueller went on national TV to say he couldn't find evidence to support a prosecution of President Trump. He continued by saying that he couldn't prove Trump didn't commit a crime. That was about one sentence too far, as Attorney General Barr quickly made clear. Hopefully, we can now get to the bottom of the whole means by which this investigation was started in the first place. Trump spoke to sailors in Japan on Memorial Day, during a ceremony in which the Navy either did, or did not, hide the USS John McCain from the president's view. In response to Georgia's newly-implemented abortion restrictions, Disney announced that doing business in that sate would be...problematic. Meanwhile, they're opening a new park in...wait for it...Saudi Arabia. Nancy Pelosi may be--frighteningly enough--the smartest Democrat in the House of Representatives.