Sex, Religion, Power And Politics

The Wild Feminine for 50+ Women w/Marilyn Steele & The Feminine Yang w/Embahra



First Guest:  Dr. Marilyn Steel, Jungian psychologist, author, speaker, and shamanic dreamer will define and discuss The Wild Feminine and why she's chosen to mentor to PrimeTime (50+ year old) Women.  Her book, The Wild Feminine: Stories to Inspire and Embolden was chosen as one of The Spirited Woman Foundation's Top Book Picks and she'll share some of her teachings including the importance of dreaming your journey, what "new science" has to do with women, the Feminine and the Soul, and how important Nature is to our healing and creativity.  If you'd like to learn to access your Feminine Power and birth your Wild Feminine, don't miss tonight's show! Second Guest:  Embahra Maat joins me tonight as we cross the threshold into the second half of the show on the topic of The Feminine Yang:  Goddess Manifestations of the Masculine discussing the "masculine" Goddesses and their strong energies and how they relate to their more passive counterparts.  (Sekhmet to Hathor, Oya to Oshur, Kali to Lakshmi)  We'll also d