Sex, Religion, Power And Politics

Beyond Gimbutas - Hard Facts for Goddess Worship w/Dr. James Rietveld



Author, archaeologist and history professor, Dr. James Rietveld, author of Artemis of Ephesus: Magic, Mystery & Her Sacred Landscape will chat with us tonight on the topic:  Beyond Gimbutas - Hard Facts for Goddess Worship in the Ancient World.  While Marija Gimbutas is still beloved within Goddess Spirituality and Women's Studies, she is still a controversial figure in Academia, despite there being hard evidence to support Goddess worship and egalitarian societies in ancient times.  Tonight Dr. Rietveld will discuss these earliest human cultures and the proof that's out there, sometimes not yet published in the history books, that supports what the cognitive minority has been saying all along about what patriarchy has swept beneath the rug....tune in so next time you can dispute the nay-sayers with confidence using Dr. Rietveld's research and scholarship.