Sex, Religion, Power And Politics

Crop Circles As A Doorway to Oneness w/Suzanne Taylor



Suzanne Taylor, director/producer of the documentary Crop Circles: Quest for Truth and What on Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery, winner of best feature documentary at the 2011 UFO Congress Film Festival chats with me tonight about Crop Circles as being instrumental in helping us go from a worldview of self-interest and materialism to one where caring about each other is as important as caring about just ourselves.  Crop circles, leading us to awareness of intelligent otherness, could be the doorway to that next phase of our evolution.  Suzanne will bring us up to speed with what's currently happening in this genre of research including the resistance to accepting such a heretical body of information and why she is convinced we are being visited. She is the founder of Mighty Companions, a non-profit dedicated to rethinking our worldview, and decades of filling her Los Angeles home with activists and progressives.  To see the trailer of the movie go to