Spirit Sisters

Surrender. Align. Create. Reclaim: The Mantra for Transistion and the North



This week the Spirit Sistrs explore change, the elements,power and energies of the North and our connection to the Divine Feminine. During this time of monumental change we are being challenged to re-examine our lives and release what no longer serves us. We are summoned to shift our consciousness, let go of old expectations and beliefs and engage the capcity to move through this transition without resistance into divine grace. This is not a time of "thinking" our way through. Rather it is a time of great surrender, of deep letting go fo what was. It is a time of finding the courage to release the greif of our losses and open to what is possible in this new paradigm while acknolwedging our fear of the unknown. It is a time to move into the eveolutionary transformation that we find ourselves facing. We are being presented with the opportunity to align now to Spirit during this great shift, For this is the place of our true knolwedge and conncetion to all things. It is here that we claim our wisdom, deep within