Franchise Today

Let the Gains Begin... Both Fiscal and Physical, with Retro Fitness!



Retro Fitness CFO Robbie Sprechman talks about both the Fiscal and Physical Gains of Retro Fitness Ownership, This Week on Franchise Today! $2,197,482: AVG GROSS SALES PER UNIT FOR THE TOP 10% OF RETRO FITNESS CLUBS $628,203: AVGERAGE EBITDA REPORTED BY TOP 10% OF RETRO FITNESS FRANCHISE OWNERS 3,029 :MEMBERSHIP BASE AT THE AVERAGE CLUB (TOP 10% HAVE OVER 5,800) $140.18: AVERAGE REVENUE PER SQUARE FOOT FOR THE TOP 10% OF RETRO CLUBS The top 10% of Retro Fitness Clubs Avg. Gross Sales, Avg. EBITDA and Avg. Rev. Per Sq. Ft. numbers as published in Item 19 of the Retro Fitness 2018 Franchise Disclosure Document. Read Item 19 in its entirety for important defined terms, assumptions and qualifiers relating to these figures.