Come Get Sum

Come Get Sum Extra: Bobette Riales on Danny Masterson



After over a year of gathering evidence, mishandled witnesses, grief and harrassment of his accusers, Scientology influence, all eyes on LA DA Jackie lacey and growing pressure on the DA to press charges, Danny Masterson is still not facing charges for the multiple rapes he has been accused of.........yet.  Hear from one of his accusers in her own words. Bobbette will talk about the harrasment, the torture of feeling like she's on trial and frustration of this case dragging on.  This is still pending charges, while we cannot talk in great detail, it's important to hear their voices. Hear them you will... Is the case being held up because of Scientology? Is Jackie Lacey trigger shy when it comes to Scientology? How are these women being harassed... Hear these questions discussed and much more on this special edition of Come Get Sum Extra....