Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG Danielle Atkinson (Rebroadcast)



Join us for this intimate conversation with Mama Activist Danielle Atkinson. Atkinson is the founding director of Mothering Justice, a statewide organization working to improve the lives of families in Michigan by equipping the next generation of mother activists. She received her Bachelor Degrees in Political Science and Sociology from Pfeiffer University where she helped organizer students for peace in the early days for Iraq War. She worked as a field director for the campaign to increase the minimum wage in Florida successfully winning a raise for one half a million Floridians. In 2005 Danielle relocated to Lansing, Michigan to become the executive director of GLADE a multi congregational coalition. From 2006-2012 Danielle worked throughout Michigan forming coalitions that included representation from labor unions,  youth, women’ and civil rights organization to increase voter participation among underrepresented voters with both America Votes and Michigan Voice. In 2012 she combined her experience as an