Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG Felix and Paula Sirls



Felix and Paula Sirls, have been married over twenty years and found each other at the most unlikely time.  They are parents, grandparents, great grand-parents and both are HIV positive. Felix was a recovering addict when he was diagnosed. His doctor gave him one year to live. He moved to Detroit to be closer to his family and became a substance abuse counselor and was a facilitator for  the Detroit Health Department. Recently retired he worked as an HIV and substance abuse counselors for over 30 years in three states. He not only continues to thrive but outlived the doctor who gave him that diagnosis of one year to live. Paula was infected by a long-term partner. After his death, she found herself not only HIV positive but also depressed and contemplating suicide. As fate would have it, while going through his belongings she found a card for a HIV support group. The facilitator happened to be Felix Sirls.  In the program, she learned to love herself again and regain her self-esteem. When the program lost