Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG Monica Roberts, The Trans Griot



Amid the flooding and devastation of Hurricane Harvey Monica Roberts talks about her city, Comic Con, Doubt, history and her passion in eliminate transphobia.  A force of nature in her own right, Monica is a trailblazing leader in the transgender community leader. She works diligently at educating and encouraging acceptance of trans people inside and outside the larger African-American community. Monica is an award winning blogger, history buff, thinker, lecturer and passionate advocate on trans issues. She seeks to not only end the erasure of African-American trans voices from a movement they played significant roles in starting, but get African-American transpeople and other voices of color more involved in empowering themselves. Her activism focus is educating the TBLGQ community and allies about our issues and concerns in addition to shedding light about the struggles of GLBTQ people across the African Diaspora. Her writings about transgender issues from a Black perspective have appeared at,