Health Talk With Dr. Diane Md

America Let's Exercise with Mark L. Green



Composer and jazz musician Mark L. Green joins me to help promote exercise and inspire you to good health with his new and awesome song 'America's Let's Exercise.'    Harvard's School of Public Health lists many of the benefits of exericse and they include: Improves your chances of living longer and living healthierImproves your sleep healthPrevents weight gain, promotes weight lossHelps protect you from developing heart disease and stroke Helps protect you from developing certain cancersHelps prevent type 2 diabetes and hleps control your blood sugarHelps prevent bone loss and osteoporosisHelps prevent cognitive declineRelieves symptoms of depression and helps improve your moodImproves heart-lung and muscle fitness Disclaimer:  The information provided is for educational puposes and is not intended for diagnosis or treatment.  Please seek the advice of your health care porvider before making any changes to your health.  Also, discuss your plans to begin exercising with your doctor before starting.