Jesus Famous With Nate Holdridge

Audio Reading: Get Your Head Up! (Hebrews 2:5-9)



Get Your Head Up! (Hebrews 2:5-9) Humanity was supposed to wear a crown — not one made of gold and jewels, but of God's glory and honor. We were supposed to be a regal people, free and self-controlled. Love and joy and goodness were intended to flow from our lives and hands and hearts. No impurity, no sin, no crime or death or ugliness was to ever come from any of us. Ever. We were intended to be the pinnacle of God's created order. We were made a little lower than the angelic realm but were crowned with glory and honor. And as for the rest of God's creation, it was to be placed firmly at our feet. Everything in this world was to be in subjection to us. We were to fill the earth and subdue it, governing the planet with equity and grace. Justice and rightness would be our only experience, all we'd ever know. The author to the Hebrews knew this and quoted from Psalm 8 to make his appeal. Glory, honor, a crown -- it was all God's intention for us. The language harkens back to the book of Genesis. There, in the f