Mommas Pearls Show

Holiday Spirit



As the Hanukkah lights dwindle and the Christmas lights light up the nighttime sky, we honor the true spirit of the holiday season. Every year is a new chance to create new family traditions and remember those of holiday past. How can we bring the holiday magic into our daily lives? Joining us to explore is an honored guest, Rabbi Irwin Zeplowitz. ABOUT OUR GUEST: Rabbi Irwin Zeplowitz (AKA "Rabbi Z") was born in Niagara Falls, New York. Following his schooling at the University of Toronto, he studied at Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) in Jerusalem, Los Angeles and Cincinnati, where he was ordained as a rabbi in 1984. After spending five years as a rabbi at Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim in the Chicago area, Rabbi Zeplowitz came to Hamilton, Ontario, 1989 to serve as the Rabbi of Temple Anshe Sholom, Canada's oldest Reform congregation. In the Summer of 2003 he assumed the position of Senior Rabbi at The Community Synagogue. He is a strong supporter of programs that con