Paranormal Collaboration




The History The House has direct ties to the Baker Hotel and was a Brothel supplying working girls and bootleg for the Baker at one point. Several Deaths in the house happened during this time.The house is reported to be inhabited by 9 spirits. We have intelligent haunting, residual haunting and visitations from the Baker Hotel. Perhaps the most unusual and most dominate is that of a little boy spirit that inhabits the upstairs area.The little boy that haunts the house was a disfigured child born to one of the working girls. He lived there until he was around 6. One of the owners reportedly fell in a well out back and died. He is reported to be one of the permanent guests. Several people have died on property as a result of the Flu outbreak including former owner Deborah Renfro. Many people become nauseous, some get a headache and ill upon entering the grounds. Some are visited by a malevolent spirit the next day after visiting the house. Since investigations have started, all the groups doing investigation