Revealing Conversations With Petra

Revealing Conversations with Petra Nicoll and guest Kimberly Marooney



Guest: Rev. Kimberly Marooney" Activate Your Soul Star Working with angels is an amazing experience. They take us to places we could never imagine as they pour wisdom and grace into us. Archangel Gabriel activates your Soul Star in an experience of Divine Love and Grace. You’ll learn more about your Soul Calling and Life Purpose as you experience asking for what you need, then receiving it. You’ll receive the mantle of authority and empowerment to manifest your Soul Calling NOW! No more waiting. Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney was blessed with the ability to experience direct personal contact with God angels, and spiritual beings. She was the first person in the world to earn a Master’s degree in Angelology and a Doctorate in Spiritual Psychology. Many of the best know angel experts have sought to learn from her, including Doreen Virtue. Kimberly skillfully combines her 40 years experience as a mystic with her education to guide people into profound, life-changing angel encounters. B