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News for the Heart talks with Nancy Arruda Sept & Oct Astrology transits



Today at noon EST, Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with Nancy Arruda from We chatted about what is Up in the Universal Skies for Sept and Oct 2017. We discussed the end of Mercury Retrograde. Mercury Retrograde we are still feeling the shadow period and it goes till Sept 19th in Virgo which is Mercury is ruled by. We also discussed Pluto turns direct on the same day Jupiter opposes Uranus and the affects of this. On Oct 10th Jupiter will be transiting out of Libra (where it has been since Aug 2016) and going into Scorpio and how this will impact us. Find out how all of this and other transits will impact your Life! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We're Getting to the Heart of what Matters!