Hcg Body For Life!

4 Signs Your Scale Is Only Helping You Loose At Dieting Not Loose Weight!



Join Me Live at 5:30pm PST Thursday March 24, 2016 I've seen so many perfectly successful weight loss journey's sabataged do the miss understood the feedback from your home scale. or by one having an unhealthy relationship with their scale. It's just a number... Right? But it's all too easy to become a slave to your scale—letting that number dictate how you feel about yourself and your body,your day, your spouse and the list goes on. Experts say focusing too intently on what you weigh can squelch your motivation to stick with your diet and exercise goals. At the same time, some studies show that people who weigh themselves often are better at dodging weight gain.  So what the best approach to slaying the scale dragon and yet still feeling good about your weight loss progress, so you can finally finsh what you stared and reach become your ideal self. On this episdode of "Are Your Fitter Than A 50 Year Old" I'll disclose the 4  signs you're a scale junkie and how to get clean and sober fast. See you ther