Conversations With Trellis

Best Advice for Reaching Your Fitness Goals with Tony Smith



Join me as I talk with business owner, personal trainer and natural bodybuilder Tony Smith.  Tony is the the owner of MaxFit Trainers and is passionate about helping individuals at all levels reach their persoanal fitness best.  Tony will provide you with advice on how to reach your fitness goals no matter what your current fitness level.  Tony and his team conduct bootcamps around the metro-Atlanta area, as well as corporte training camps, individual training and walking clubs.   Tony is a contributor to The BluePrint online community in the area fitness.  Call in to ask Tony your questions about how to adpot a fitness lifestyle and how you can get started.   Exciting guests and host, Trellis Usher, will help you to uncover the fears that have been holding you back, identify strategies to move your closer to your dreams and provide you will valuable tips and resources to maintain your progress. Join us each Monday at 12:00 PM EST or listen to or dowload the podcast for later playback.