Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

Steve O'Day - Water Smart Grid



Stephen E. O’Day is the Partner in charge of the Environmental Law and the Sustainability Practices at Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP. The Environmental Practice Group handles all aspects of traditional environmental legal issues. SGR’s Sustainability Practice Group provides focused legal advice and representation to companies and entities regarding sustainability initiatives, sustainable businesses and business practices, renewable energy, business issues, planning and litigation. Mr. O’Day has handled environmental litigation, consultation and negotiations for over 32 years. He advises clients in connection with the full range of environmental issues, including National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits and Clean Water Act compliance, Clean Air Act permits and compliance, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act permitting and compliance including solid and hazardous waste treatment, disposal and cleanups, Superfund cleanups, toxic tort claims, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rod