Lords Of Pain Radio

LOP Radio RetroShock: WWF Vengeance 2001



Did you know that Chris Jericho was the first ever Undisputed Champion? And that he beat The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the same night to achieve this feat? In consecutive matches, no less? Yeah, you probably knew that. But when's the last time you watched it? RetroShock has got you covered, as Steven Bell and Samuel 'Plan put the vote to you, the listener, and you all chose Vengeance 2001 as the show we'll be covering this month. In addition to the Undisputed Championship mini-tournament matches, there's plenty more to discuss about the show, up to and including one of Steven's personal favorite Big Evil era Undertaker matches against Rob Van Dam. Add in the whole Invasion mess that had just ended and discussion of the somewhat wonky vibe within the wrestling industry at the time and, well, we've got a lot of fun stuff to discuss. So join us here LIVE as LOP Radio's RetroShock takes a look back at WWF Vengeance 2001!