Lords Of Pain Radio

The Doc Says...Farewell to LOP Radio (And Thank You for the Memories)



This week, for the final time, The Doc takes to the LOP Radio airwaves to say goodbye.  His abrupt early retirement from podcasting was stimulated by a lengthy series of WWE events, with Brock Lesnar's return at Hell in a Cell the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.  The main reason for today's show is simply to say goodbye and to thank a lot of peope who made hosting nearly 300 podcasts these past five and a quarter years so special to him and his experience as "The Doc" Chad Matthews, but there will be a lot of storytelling along the way as well as a lengthy "Ask The Doc" Q&A.  Thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen, for making this show a part of your lives over the years; I think you'll find this a fitting last episode.