Lords Of Pain Radio

The Doc Says...Rejuvenated, Revitalized, and Ready to Return (plus March Mayhem)



The Doc Says is back.  When you last heard from him, his pro wrestling fandom was on life support, but these past five months have rejuvenated him; the break provided an opportunity to get away from the toxic week-to-week WWE viewing habits that had come to define his podcasting and column writing routine for years, and the result was the opportunity to see what the rest of the wrestling world had to offer - and, ladies and gentlemen, was it ever refreshing.  Lucha Underground...New Japan Pro Wrestling...revamped WWE habits with a particular focus on watching the interesting stuff and ignoring the rest...deep diving NXT Takeover history...basically, folks, it was a period of Doc getting back to being Doc.  This week, he explains the aim of his return and the definite major purpose of The Doc Says podcast moving forward.  Long-time followers of Doc's work across multiple platforms may recall his enjoyment in mixing his other passions in with his pro wrestling interest, which leads into an introduction on toda