Lords Of Pain Radio

The Doc Says...Edge's Incredible WrestleMania Legacy; Seth Rollins Can Equal It



This week, the upcoming challenge for Brock Lesnar's Universal Championship by Seth Rollins is at the forefront of Doc's mind.  As a big fan of the Architect, he is of course hopeful that a run with the big red belt will begin for Rollins at WrestleMania, but his more dominating thoughts are of what a great match in such a high profile position against such a polarizing opponent could mean to the burgeoning WrestleMania legacy of the Beast Slayer.  Rollins has had a tremendous career already, and he has a resume on the grandest stage without peers among his contemporaries; win the title from Brock and do it in glorious fashion and words like "legendary" could start being used in reference to Seth more readily.  Also, Doc takes a trip down Memory Lane to talk about one of his all-time favorites, Edge, whose own WrestleMania legacy Doc finds to be underrated in its upper echelon status.