Lords Of Pain Radio

Kingdom of Honor--Wrestling on Holy Ground



This coming Friday will be the first time in nearly six decades that a non-WWF/WWE show will be held in the Mecca of Professional Wrestling, Madison Square Garden.  While there was never a guarantee, there is no question that this show was sold on the backs of guys that are no longer wrestling for New Japan and Ring of Honor.  Kenny Omega, Nick and Matt Jackson, Cody Rhodes, and Hangman Page are now with a well-backed, but fledgling organization while their former home companies are hosting the biggest show in their existence.  Yes, NJPW has run shows in front of very large crowds at the Tokyo Dome, this is the first time they are front and center on a national stage.  You don't run a show at MSG--on Wrestlemania Weekend, no less--without it being shots fired on WWE.  So, how did they do putting together the card and how excited are the guys to see it? The guys will also preview nXt Takeover New York, which already had its legs cut out from under it a bit, but still has an incredible lineup of matches the gu