The Tazz And Paula Show

Robert Clancy - A Powerful Love Message to ALL! and Angels too!



Robert Chancy is the author of an inspiring book: 'The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Soul'  a collection of inspirational stories that will enlighten your soul and bring deeper meaning to your life and career. Robert Clancy is a soul hitchhiker. But then so are you!   Clancy says that 'soul hitches' occur every day in interactions with others; any interaction— large or small—that changes how one views oneself, an event or the world. A chance run-in with a stranger or an intimate conversation with a family member creates an indelible imprint on our Soul. When you hitch a ride on someone else’s Soul you are changed forever. Consider it hitching a ride on a big beautiful cosmic highway!   And how does one experience more of these incredible life-altering experiences? One amazing way is by volunteering—by putting yourself out in the world to help others, says Clancy. The more you reach out and help others, the more you’ll be guided on your highway naturally. Robert's second book: Daily Downloads and Fortune Cooki