The Tazz And Paula Show

Dr. Edwige - "Your Not Crazy, You're Awakening"



Dr Edwige’s book  You’re Not Crazy, You’re Awakening   – is a trail blazer to discovering your Soul’s purpose, Joy and Abundant Life. It chronicles her own awakening process, and provides guidance for others who want the fast-track to higher consciousness, without fearing the rapid changes one can experience. Dr Edwige holds a Doctorate in Metaphysical Science, is a Light Body Mentor, Light Code Activator, metaphysical practitioner, author, and speaker. This incredible Goddess started from the early age of twelve to begin her Spiritual Journey … can you imagine? She was gifted by Divine Source with the ability to clear energies that are blocking the flow of someone’s Higher-Self from moving fully into one’s third dimensional body and consciousness. Her skills enable her to raise a person’s vibration and frequency, and to activate one’s lightbody by triggering codes deep within that person’s DNA. The lightbody activation that she performs restores a person’s individual Divine Blueprint. Website:  www.dredw