Big Body Broadcasting

A Different Kind Of Love—Medicine For The Soul



Religion is a very controversial topic, primarily because it is one of the key ways that we define ourselves.  I am Baptist.  I am Apostolic.  I am Jewish.  I am Catholic.  The list goes on and on.  Religion can be the core of a person; it encompasses their set of values and beliefs.  An attack on a religious thought is seen as an attack on that person, and that in turn is seen as something to be defended.  You attack a religion, you are attacking the core of a person's self, and that causes controversy. Because we’ve defined ourselves this way, we have the need to be right.  Well, everyone can’t be right.  For this reason, I constantly tell people that you have to know Him (and for me that Him is God) for yourself.  Religion is not so much about rules and beliefs as it is about relationship. Aunty Fee Fee brings people together in a very unorthodox way—she uses comedy to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Through songs and words of wisdom, Aunty Fee Fee has become a YouTube sensation, and discusses how lau