Big Body Broadcasting

The Q-Spot with Big Body and Tumika P. Cain



Tumika Patrice Cain is an award-winning author, media personality, motivator and publisher. She is also the founder of Say What?? Book Club. Through her weekly radio show, Living Abundantly with Tumika Patrice Cain, she offers practical methods to identify mindsets, patterns, and behaviors that interfere with one’s ability to live the abundant life. An advocate for indie authors, Tumika works tirelessly to level the playing field between traditional publishers, traditionally published authors and indie authors, providing a myriad of opportunities to train, coach, promote and expose their works. Follow Tumika as she hosts the Say What?? Author Spotlights, where she interviews the book club’s featured author of the month. Her works have been published in a number of magazines, anthologies, newspapers and periodicals.  She is the author of the award-winning novel, Season of Change (2012); After the Rain…a Poetry Collective (2014); On the Pulse of Morning (Winter 2015); and The Heart of a Woman (Winter 2015). Tu