Big Body Broadcasting

The Q-Spot with Big Body and Precious A. Jackson & The Soul Of A Man 2 Pre-Show



Our special pre-show will showcase some of the men behind the upcoming release, The Soul Of A Man 2: Make Me Wanna Holler. As the synopsis reads: “This book may not change the world, but it will change someone’s world, and will give the world a new view, vantage point, and keen insight on what lies in the heart and souls of men.” The Q-Spot is honored to welcome Pastor Andre' Jones, Adrian Milan, Cyrus Webb, Marc Lacy, Memphis Vaughan Jr., Isaiah David Paul, Brian Ganges, and KL Belvin. # # # Precious A. Jackson of South Los Angeles is the author of Revelations: Unveiling the Mask.Teaching others to pay it forward became her motivation until she was taken on an emotional roller coaster ride when her doctor delivered the devastating news that she tested positive for HIV. Not giving strength to her diagnosis, Precious knew what her next mission would be; to educate both men and women equally on the importance of getting tested and protecting themselves at all cost. Precious has been featured in the Los Angel