Big Body Broadcasting

The My Big Girl Panties Show: Breaking Thru The Bars



Marisa Readus and Alisha Readus are identical twin sisters who are originally from Alabama, who moved to Dallas, Texas in 2007. In 2008, they self-published their bookBreaking Thru The Bars,which is a tell-all of the time they spent in prison, and the hardship of regaining their life with their kids. The sisters had no idea the book would open up doors for speaking engagements, trainings, and thousands of book sales. Today, Marisa and Alisha are published authors with Brown Girls Publishing,and their powerful story has also been chosen to be transformed into a movie. Read more at Double Impact Speaks. # # # Body Positive Advocate Michelle “Big Body” Cuttino, author of six books, works with authors and experts who need free publicity to promote their new releases, and grow their business. Once a month, she emails writing tips, free promos, and information about upcoming literary events. Subscribe at Let’s Connect! Instagram