Life's New Normal Podcast With Host Long Jump Silver Medalist John Register

Ep. 92 Meet 2017 Top 10 CNN Hero - Mona Patel



About the Guest Mona Patel received the call she was nominated as a CNN Hero and was in shock. Patel, who founded the San Antonio Amputee Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which focuses on rebuilding lives of amputees through peer support, education, recreation, and financial assistance, is quick to share her journey as an amputee with others going through the process.  "When somebody becomes an amputee, maneuvering through the system is sometimes just scary," said Patel. "I think the big catalyst of me doing what I do to help the amputee community is because I lived it." CNN Heroes honors everyday people who have dedicated their lives to change the world. Patel has helped hundreds of amputees live life to the fullest. Each top 10 CNN Hero will receive a $10,000 cash prize and training from the Annenberg Foundation. About the Host John Register is a long jump silver medalist and American record holder at the 2000 Paralympic Games in Sydney, Australia. His business, Inspired Communications I