Life's New Normal Podcast With Host Long Jump Silver Medalist John Register

S3 E7 Discover The Outward Mindset with The Arbinger Institute's James Ferrell



The Arbinger Institute provides training, consulting, coaching, and implementation tools that move individuals, teams, and organizations from the default self-focus they call an inward mindset to the results focus of an outward mindset. My guest Jim Ferrell is one of the managing founders of the organization that is rapidly growing around the world.  The Arbinger Institute was founded in 1979 by Dr. C. Terry Warner, the scholar who solved the central problem at the heart of the human sciences: the problem of self-deception. That work revealed two distinct mindsets from which people and organizations operate—a self-focused inward mindset and an others-inclusive outward mindset—and the path to sustainably changing mindset and results. Today, Jim unpacks for us our self-deceiving behaviors (going inward) and how to turn outward. Listen, when I read the books, Leadership and Self-Deception, The Anatomy of Peace and The Outward Mindset, I began calling people to apologize for my behaviors. This is great stuff.