Spouse Spouts

Spouse Spouts-Episode 13: What's the Big Deal With Spouse Employment (part 2)?



Episode 12 was the first part of a three part series on Spouse Employment. Why is this topic such a big deal? What is being done about it?  As usual military spouses have taken matters into their own hands and done something about spouse employment. On today's show you will hear from Sue Hoppin, the founder of National Military Spouse Network. She'll share her struggles and triumphs in the world of spouse employment, and tell us about her upcoming event.  We will also hear from Liza, who is one of the founders of Mad Skills, a military spouse employment hub. Spouses and share their resumes, and search for careers.  Make sure you tune in and hear about the great things that are happening within the military spouse community.  Dave Etter is the 2016 AFI Army Spouse of the Year and Susan Reynolds is the 2014 Joan Orr Air Force Spouse of the Year. Together, they are the team that is Spouse Spouts. Each Wednesday morning at 0930 Eastern Time you can listen to Dave and Susan wax poetic.