Spouse Spouts

Spouse Spouts-Episode 15: Inspector General Reports, Moldy Housing, Seriously???



Come and hang out with Susan and Dave as they discuss military housing. The Stars and Stripes newspaper published a recent article about military housing and the finding from an Inspector General report. You can find the article right here: http://www.stripes.com/news/inspector-general-report-finds-widespread-hazards-at-military-housing-1.435535 In other words, we have military service members and their families living in housing and they are being exposed to radon, mold, and more. So what can be done? Call in to find out Dave and Susan's military housing stories and how you can report the issues you have with your housing.  Spouse Spouts is an online radio show brought to you by Susan Reynolds and Dave Etter. For more information you can check us out at www.spousespouts.com