Spouse Spouts

Spouse Spouts-Episode 41: A Combat Veteran



Have you ever heard of Drew Hernandez? What about A Combat Veteran? Have you watched his vidoes? Hilarious, truthful, and contagious are just some of the words that describe Drew, A Combat Veteran. In 2015 while Drew was deployed as a private contractor, he created his first video, " 10 Way to Identify A Combat Veteran". Drew went viral. From that point Drew has shared numerous vidoes and grabbed the attention of our military and veteran community, and the civilian community. "A Combat Veteran is a brand passionately dedicated to bringing more light and comedy to the Veteran community. Drew Hernandez continuously turns his past experiences into opportunities by creating distinctive videos about what it means to be or to know a Combat Veteran on a weekly basis. By doing so, he has grasped the attention of not only the close-knit community of Veterans alike, but that of civilians as well and has contagiously resonated with all who support the military." Drew served on Active Duty status as an MP from 2006