Resistance Rising

Resistance Rising 174: From False Flags To False Reality—You Live A Roman Lie



FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * Who really killed Osama bin Laden? —The sickening PsyOp that runs from traitors in the Navy SEALS to propagandists at Fox News; and all ends up in Rome. * The bump-stock Waka-Waka: how do they do false flags with a straight face? * Is there a connection between the Beach Boys and the Columbine mass shooting? * Crooked cops make false flag mass shootings possible; from Columbine to the D.C. sniper. * Columbine’s Jefferson County Sheriff; each a corrupt criminal from 1999 to today. * The “law enforcement” reaction to the Boston bombing: Keystone cops or oath-breaking traitors? * The first WTC bombing in 1993: another Roman false flag outrage right through to the Jesuit-educated Prosecutor who gave the traitors at the FBI a free pass. * Rush Limbaugh: secret Papal coadjutor who lives large off of the largess of betrayal. * Proof of the Devil’s Simulation that Johnny exposed in his latest book, Eaters of Children: the “Golden