Resistance Rising

Resistance Rising 177: The Message Behind The Message in Transformers



FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * Transformers: Romans Saving The Matrix * Rome-flix backfire? Did the Netflix documentary “The Keepers” connect John Podesta to Cathy Cesnik’s brutal rape and death? * John Podesta (AKA Skippy) Link to Sister Cathy Cesnik’s Murder? (Updated) * “SKIPPY” ADMITTED TO BE PODESTA’S EVIL ALTER EGO * What is the “greatest trick the devil ever pulled”?  —It’s not what you think. * What questions is the “flat Earth” community not addressing (wanna guess why?)? * JOHNNY DISCLOSES A FLAT EARTH EXCLUSIVE! * Are the Jesuits interested in Asia?  China?  Japan?  —You have no idea how much they are! * The price of Johnny telling the truth (a price he’s willing to pay). * Chris Rock: from nobody to anti-Christian asshole—which is why the Catholic ___s at Romeflix blow him up. * Johnny on race: some common sense advice. * JEW OR JESUIT: THE RELATIONSHIP EXPLAINED * STAR WARS: The Last Testicle. * The convoluted inversion of reality for Transformers: The Last Knight.  Johnny will sort