Resistance Rising

Resistance Rising 182: There’s No Such Thing As A “Classic”, Just Romans



FULL NOTES AND LINKS, HERE! * What happened to The Wachowskis? * Ben Swann on “#PizzaGate” * Priest (some label “Jesuit”) attacks baby at Catholic baptism. * From Charles Baudelaire to Clive Staples Lewis: there’s no such thing as a “classic”, just Romans in disguise with a modicum of talent. * What do Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicholas and Star Trek’s George Takei have in common? (there may be more than one answer) * Does actor and Twitter-mover James Woods know he is distracting the Right? * “Protestant” Chuck Missler on the ROMAN CATHOLIC relic of the “Shroud of Turin”. * Chuck Missler’s “Easter Surprise” * Isabel Piczek: devout Roman Catholic DAME of St. Gregory * Jesuits brag on how Catholic Salvador Dalí was. * A funny thing happened on the way to Bart Sibrel’s notoriety. * What got Billy Corgan repeat appearances on Alex Jones? * Recap of Rome’s deadly, perverse control over Seattle. * Sandra Bullock’s “penis facial”’s even worse