Ready To Unload: With Cal & Sanpete

RTU: #168 - Turn the Tables



Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes HERE Also available ON STITCHER HERE RTU Episode #168 - Recorded on 3.13.14 Sponsored by: No Fuss and Feathers Roadshow: an Evening with Carolann Solebello, Karyn Oliver and The YaYas Check out this video of No Fuss and go to for upcoming show dates! 25 years of the internet celebrated by a Skype fail for Cal.Our first internet experiences. We're old.NFL Free Agency has landed, and things have gotten crazy. The Giants were active day 1, the Jets day 2, and Darelle Revis joins the Evil Empire. We'll justify the night away...The Mets "competitions" this spring are not going well. Really hard to keep the optimism up.What are we watching.. It's thriling.